VESPA / Developments

VO tools and utilities

In Europlanet-2024-RIDetails
VO plug-in for ImageJ Turns ImageJ or AstroImageJ into a VO image viewer, and provides the VO with high level image processing and conversion functions (PADC, ObsParis)
Contribution to astropy v6 Implementation of body-fixed planetary coordinate systems (ObsParis)
VESPA geoportal Optimized tool for 2D spatial searches (in dev)
Observing facility list Basis for a name resolver for instrument_host_name (ObsParis)
PDS4 local dictionary for EPNCore Local Data Dictionary (LDD) for EPNCore (ObsParis)
taplint validator Includes a validator for EPN-TAP services (in STILTS, Univ of Bristol)
EPN-TAP data service validator Dedicated mode of the VO service validator at DIO/PADC, ObsParis (relies on taplint)
File grabbing interface A set of web services to retrieve files by name from EPN-TAP services, for quick pipeline processing
VO plug-ins for QGIS Updated version for QGIS v3 (Constructor University)
APERICubes Updated version of PDS3 on-line reader & viewer - supports VIRTIS Venus-Express & Rosetta data (spectral cubes), and similar fits files from ALMA (DIO/PADC, ObsParis)

Finalized in Europlanet-2020Details
EPN-TAP v2 library EPN-TAP java client to be included in VO tools (IRAP/CNRS)
GeoFITS: FITS format for Planetary Surfaces Description & conversion codes; fits driver merged into GDAL library from v3.0; Docker install here (GEOPS/CNRS)
Planetary Cesium Viewer On-line 3D viewer for generic planetary surface analysis (GEOPS/CNRS) - code and doc here
Exoplanets topography modelling Exoplanets modelled topography, displayed with Planetary Cesium Viewer (GEOPS/CNRS)
VESPA mapping app Prototype of mobile/computer mapping app based on open services (Jacobs University) - code and doc
Object resolver SSODNet name resolver for Solar System objects (IMCCE/ObsParis). Used for name completion and extended searches in the VESPA portal.
Miriade Web form VO-compliant ephemeris service with visibility charts added in VESPA (ViSiON) - (IMCCE/ObsParis).
SSHADE Portal to several databases in solid phase spectroscopy, with plotting tools (IPAG/Grenoble).
iPECMAN Analyser of multi-dimensional measurements of planetary electromagnetic fields (IAP-CAS, Prague).
LecturePDS PDS3 reader for IDL & GDL (LESIA/ObsParis).
IDL_VOtable VOtable reader and writer for IDL & GDL (based on STILTS library / TOPCAT), LESIA/ObsParis.

Further information

VESPA wiki JRA-Task 2. Data Access
VESPA GitHub Code repository for VESPA
GMAP github GMAP activity in Europlanet-2024


  • Citing VESPA
    If your research benefits from the use of VESPA, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement and reference in your publication:
    "This research has made use of the VESPA portal and services ( funded by European Union's under grant agreement No 871149"
    VESPA: A community-driven Virtual Observatory in Planetary Science. Erard S et al., 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2017.05.013
    Please also acknowledge the original data providers.
    Except where explicitly mentioned, data are distributed under Etalab Open License 2.0 (compliant with CC-BY 2.0 license).
  • The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
    The Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208.
    This work used the EGI Infrastructure with the dedicated support of IN2P3-IRES and CESNET-MCC.
    VESPA has first been designed in the frame of Europlanet-RI JRA4 work package (IDIS activity).
    Additional funding was provided in France by the Action Spécifique Observatoire Virtuel and Programme National de Planétologie / INSU.

    Europlanet Project supported by the European Union VOParis Observatoire